Jun 28, 2006

New provincial homeschool regulations


So the new home education regulations are done....after months of concern from many many homeschoolers it seems very little if anything was changed....or maybe I am missing something.....I am sure it will be discussed in the local group for a while so I will find out any differences.....but none of the changes look as though they will effect us as a family.
Below are a list of outcomes that are expected to be reached by young adults who have been home educated traditionally, unschooled.....or in other ways than through the Alberta Curriculum:
Learning Outcomes for StudentsReceiving Home Education Programs That Do Not Follow the Alberta Programs of Study
1 A basic education must provide students with a solid core program including language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

2 Students are expected to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare them for life after high school. A basic education will allow students to

(a) read for information, understanding and enjoyment,

(b) write and speak clearly, accurately and appropriately for the context,

(c) use mathematics to solve problems in business, science and daily life situations,

(d) understand the physical world, ecology and the diversity of life,

(e) understand the scientific method, the nature of science and technology and their application to daily life,

(f) know the history and geography of Canada and have a general understanding of world history and geography,

(g) understand Canada’s political, social and economic systems within a global context,

(h) respect the cultural diversity, the religious diversity and the common values of Canada,

(i) demonstrate desirable personal characteristics such as respect, responsibility, fairness, honesty, caring, loyalty and commitment to democratic ideals,

(j) recognize the importance of personal well‑being and appreciate how family and others contribute to that well‑being,

(k) know the basic requirements of an active, healthful lifestyle,

(l) understand and appreciate literature, the arts and the creative process,

(m) research an issue thoroughly and evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources,

(n) demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills in problem solving and decision making,

(o) demonstrate competence in using information technologies,

(p) know how to work independently and as part of a team,

(q) manage time and other resources needed to complete a task,

(r) demonstrate initiative, leadership, flexibility and persistence,

(s) evaluate their own endeavours and continually strive to improve, and

(t) have the desire and realize the need for life‑long learning.
I don't see any problem with my children reaching these outcomes.......even through unschooling ;)
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