The fourth type, the phlegmatic, is the calm, easy-going person. He is
often slow-moving, and does not get ruffled easily. Many of the Latins have a
strong phlegmatic streak in them. The phlegmatic is usually easy to get along
with, and has many friends, but is sometimes so laid back that he doesn't get
around to things he should do. He will often not volunteer for a leadership
role, but if he somehow falls into it, he does well. He is able to make peace
between feuding parties. He tends to see the humorous side of human nature, and
may, with his dry humor, poke fun at others in a hilariously funny way (LaHaye,
pp. 20-23). And, he tends to be late!I watch the Global breakfast news every morning in bed.....I tend to leave the tv playing while I get dressed which more often than not means the tv is still on when 100 Huntley Street comes on. I am NOT Christian......most of this show makes me want to barf!!! Especially when they start talking about the sanctity of marriage and how gay marriage should be stopped.......anyway.....this morning on Huntley Street there was a lady talking about personality was quite interesting....and having read some more about this today, I think I tend to be a phlegmatic.....I find the name off-putting...makes me think of phlegm. Makes me remember having to collect phlegm from patients during my nurse training. Collecting phlegm is the most disgusting job ever...I'd rather have to get poo specimens or carry urine from men who have had TURP operations than collect phlegm....I can't stand seeing spit on the sidewalks either...Edinburgh was terrible for used to have to dodge the spit on the pavements. Gross
I'm basically I think I am phlegmatic...will have to ask Lloyd what he thinks....he's gone tot he movies with Laurie. I was surprised as Lauries friends called and invited him to a sleepover but he told them he was going to the movies with his dad so he'd sleep over tomorrow instead!
Chris's friend A isn't here yet - he's sleeping here tonight. Susie just hurt her arm again.......hope it's ok.....don't want her back in a sling again.....
1 day ago