I didn't sleep very much at all last night.....I can barely keep my eyes open this morning....I ache all over and feel about 80! I was so hot and couldn't get comfortable...my stomach hurt and my mind wouldn't switch off.......at 3am I was fed up so I was sat in the bedroom window looking out to see if Lloyds apple core had gone.....he threw an apple core out last night to see if it would be gone by this morning...
Lloyd has been emailing me throughout his meeting this morning...I love that he has his blackberry now and we can chat so much :)
Christopher stayed up late last night and finished Tuesdays with Morrie....he said it is a book that has changed him....which is a good thing....until he said he isn't interested in money any more....of course Laurie and I laughed - obviously the WRONG thing to do.....Chris is over tired and decided we are all horrible and mean to him....oops.....bed early tonight!!!! He's now watching the World Cup soccer matches on tv.
R is coming over this afternoon with her three children. S is around the same age as Susannah and they get on really well. The boys school friends have stayed in touch but Susies haven't so I know she needs new friendships to grow.......she likes S a lot.
I hope I wake up more before they arrive...when I'm this tired I'm a little brain dead and can't think what to say.....
CK magazine was good this month and has made me want to scrapbook again...maybe I will do some tomorrow. Maybe a trip to the scrapbook store is in order....it's been months!
It's supposed to get to 27c today but it's grey and cloudy right now as we are on the edge of storms to the south of us....maybe it will warm up later...we still haven't had a really good thunder storm yet this year......
Laurence has been in the workshop all morning taking apart his two bikes....switching tyres etc etc and taking apart the old video recorder...Lloyd said he could have anything in the barn and take it apart and build whatever he wants......
The girls are building things with Lego...elevators and penguins and various things.....they were out playing with the dogs earlier.....and heard coyotes so Abigail came in and drew a picture of a coyote.....she asked me how many legs they have and said she is bored with drawing animals that have four legs...so she gave the coyote 8 legs instead.......
I think I need breakfast. Most week days I have dry oatmeal (uncooked) mixed with two pots of apple sauce and 3 tablespoons of hemp hearts....I love it and it stops me getting hungry for ages........and the hemp hearts give you energy.....in fact maybe I will have an extra tablespoon today...I could do with some extra energy today ;)
1 day ago