Jul 25, 2006

The Bubble.........

I am a bubble blown through the hand of a loving daddy - to entertain his little girl. The little girl is enjoying bathtime - a special time each day with Daddy - she has his whole attention. But every bubble he blows gets bigger and bigger until it pops - there is never enough time for her to hold it in her chubby little hands and her face turns sad with each bubble popped. When the next bubble pops it will be time to pull out the plug and watch the water race away and this precious bathtime with daddy will be over for another day.

And so Daddy rubs the soap through his fingers and places his hands to his mouth and he blows and he blows so gently until the bubble grows and grows and lets go of his hands and glides gently through the air.

The little toddler and her Daddy watch the bubble as it spins with its rainbow prism slowly through the air above the bath. They watch waiting for the fateful moment. Waiting for the silent pop and the spray of soap as it explodes. They wait and they wait knowing their special time together is almost at an end.

But the bubble hovers and spins and glistens in the light and it never pops - it stays forever and continues to hold their gaze and this special time with Daddy lasts forever....................atleast in a toddlers dreams..............

By Jane
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