In the summer months our worries turn to the fear of tornadoes and forest fires.....mainly because we have very little protection from a tornado...and with the grass so dry this year, a fire is very likely. There are 146 fires burning in Alberta and 50 of them are out of control. There is a real likelihood that at one point in the fture (this year or in a few years) we will be evacuated because of a grass fire........
So we've been talking about what we would want to take with us.....with both vehicles we could put three children in Lloyds car and load up the truck with the other two children and our much as we could cram in within the short time you are given......the animals of course although the chickens......I'm not sure we could take them :( what do people do with their livestock at times like that? And Cairo the cat???? What if we couldn't find him?
I'd want to take the laptop, computer, cameras, Nannys vase, Grandads writing box.....and my keepsake boxes. My scrapbook albums and the bottom drawer of my scrapbook supplies which has all my photographs.....after that I would just grab anything I had time for......
Anyway the legal essentials like residency cards and passports, birth certificates etc etc are ready to go if it ever happens.....
I hope it never happens. We need rain. We desperately need rain.
1 day ago