Jul 12, 2006

Funeral from 1914

A parcel arrived from my parents today.....there were t-shirts for the boys (Chris's says 'I'm surrounded by idiots' and Laurences says 'Have a nice day - somewhere else!')

A nightie for me....which I reall need.....I'm fussy...I like spaghetti straps and a simple shape.....I hate sleeves or anything fussy to sleep in........a t-shirt for Abigail that says '100% cute 200% attitude!' a book on the history of furniture....some recipes including an old homemade sweets recipe book......and inside was tucked a photocopy of a receipt my Dad had found....a receipt for the funeral of my Great Grandmother.....from 1914! It reads:

Witchampton, Wimborne April 25th 1914

Dr. to John Roberts
Wheelwright, Smith, Carpenter and Undertaker.

Labour making coffin with raised cover,
linings, wadding, brassed furniture, marking breast-plate
and attendance

2 pounds 5 shillings

Received with thanks.

An entire funeral for $5!!!!!!!! Wow.....how prices have changed!
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