So if your bucket is full then you have a good self esteeem. You generally feel good about yourself and you are able to love others freely and give of yourself freely. You keep your bucket full by giving to others and getting back from others praise and other good stuff to keep your bucket full.Sometimes out buckets become half full. When our buckets become half full, we aren't able to give of ourselves as freely. Because if we do, then we risk making our bucket level even lower. So you no longer hold open a door for a stranger because you can't waste your water in your bucket on people you don't know!If you don't make attempts to make your bucket fuller, then you risk your bucket becoming almost empty. When this happens then you hold your bucket very close to you, so as not to risk loosing anymore from your bucket. When your bucket gets this low, this is what is called burnout! So if you know someone with a half full or a low bucket and you have a full bucket, what can you do to help that person fill their bucket, just a little bit? Could you offer to take their kids, so that they and their partner can have a night out? Could you compliment the person on what a great job they are doing as a parent?
I thought this was really nice and asked if she'd mind me posting it here :)