So sharing a bed drains mens brains....yet helps women sleep more deeply??????? Uh Lloyd I think we switched roles somewhere along the line..........
Lloyd sleeps better when I am beside him....yet I don't sleep at all..............he doesn't keep me awake at all...I just don't sleep.....yet he hates to sleep without me..........
so uh yeah, we switched roles.............
Thank you Pam for the advice....I'm going herb shopping this marijuana a herb?????????????????? That might help lol!
Actually I have to admit something....I have never tried an illegal drug....I have never smoked anything.....I would actually quite like to try something just to say I have....but I have lead a very dull life and never smoked anything........I have several friends here who have offered to share some with me over the years but but I htink they are all talk ;) because they've never come through for me lol!
I even worked in a methodone clinic for a while...dishing out the sticky green liquid to heroin addicts, swapping dirty needles for clean and watching dirty children playing on the floor while their parents were totally out of it on crack on the sofas behind.....loooooooovely place to work!
I guess for me it will be chamomile, Valerian and the rest..........
1 day ago