Today has been one loooooong bake fest!!!! It's been hard work but a lot of fun! We baked foods for today and plenty to freeze too. Its a wonderful feeling using oyur own eggs and your own fruits and vegetables.
We baked quiche's, rhubarb crumbles, brown sugar fudge, vanilla fudge, Anzac biscuits, jam tarts.............making the pastry with the children is always fun....Abigail had her own bowl or flour etc but as she tends to knead it until its like leather we let her make a set of jam tarts with it....they all made jam 'pasties' with the loeft over pastry too (just like I did when I was little and baking with my Mum)
This afternoon the kids set up a kids olympics outside and had long jump contests etc.......that was fun to watch...Sam played in the sand box beside me with Abigail for some of the time and they joined in with the others too.
The kids have had a big thing about photography today too.......this morning Abigail spent ages taking pictures of us all busy at work with my little point and shoot........then the others took turns....Susie brought the camera out with me and we sat on the porch waiting for the Hummingbirds but they only seem to come on the brief moments when Susie runs inside to do something! Too funny. I told her its because the Hummingbirds think she is too beautiful and that they worry they won't be as beautiful close to her! She liked that idea ;)
The older three cycled to the mail box and brought back two parcels....a big package of tea bags from Terry and Chris, and a parcel from my Mum and Dad with newspaper clippings, an England flag for Laurie, pretty underwear for Susie and a toy truck for Sam.....the next parcel has Lloyds and Abbys that will be their turn........
I think Blogger is still messing up my comments......a few people have said they've left me comments that I've never recieved which is a shame.........what with that and the picture issues blogger ahs been having I am thinking of moving my blog (again grrrrrr) I know how frustrating it is to post a comment and then not have it read.....I had problems posting at Kyliesmom's blog for a while..............
I have pictures to add but I took 400 pictures today and I have to be in the mood to sort through them all and upload maybe Friday.....
As of tomorrow I will officially be the mom of a teenager!!! I can't believe how fast the last 13 years have gone. This time 13 years ago I was in labour...a 34 hour labour that exhausted me!!!! I just hope the teen years are a little easier than that!!! Chris has grown into the most caring, helpful and responsible young man you could ever hope to meet.....he has so many interests, and so many plans for the future........I am so so proud of him. He is so so excited about tomorrow...even though he just can't decide what to do for his birthday...I've been telling him for weeks to choose, chat with his friends...figure out what they want to do...dinner, movie, water park at WEM, Galaxyland....sleepover, camping.......but he hasn't decided yet!!! So tomorrow will be a family day and he can get together with his friends at the weekend and do whatever......
1 day ago