It feels as though a dark cloud has lifted from me today.......after a week of being tired and miserable and grumpy and bad tempered and fed I am feeling back to my normal chirpy happy self........(Christie my tiara is all shiny and perky again lol)..........
I have a type of anaemia where my body doesn't absorb the iron from food that it should........I know this.......I know I am supposed to take a supplement but most supplements leave me feeling I have a special drink from the UK called Spatone. Family and friends bring it over for me when they visit ........I am supposed to take one sachet a day with juice........
I KNOW that when I take my iron I feel better....I KNOW this...I KNOW how awful I feel when I am why do I not take it????? Why do I tell myself again and again that its not important?????
So anyway, yesterday I decided to be good and took 2 sachets and also took my hemp...........This morning I had my hemp and one sachet and I feel sooooo much better already.....I have energy...I'm not grouchy and I had a great day.....................and its FRIDAY :)
But you know what....this time next week I will probably have stopped taking it again. Duh!!!!
I slept really well last night too :) That always helps!
1 day ago