Just want to rave about a book. I found this book lying in the kitchen at the homeschool group on Tuesday. I had a flick through and thought it was fab! So after being told they sell them in Save On, off we went to get them!
Write Now! The Ultimate grab-a-pen, get-the-words-right,have-a-blast writing book!
By Joe Rhatigan with Rain Newcomb and Veronika Alice Gunter.
Published by Lark Books
$9.95 Canadian.
I bought a copy each for Laurie and Susie. It's spiral bound (which I of course LOVE!!) and is full of interesting ways to get kids writing....journal prompts, story maps, questions about themselves to answer........how to discover your muse, how to write horror stories, how to proofread your work, ideas for spelling, full of cartoons and spaces to actually write in the book (THIS is what I will find hard as I have this hate for writing in books lol)
This book is glossy and fun and the kids are thrilled with them.....went up to bed with them last night!
Great, great book!
1 day ago