I am so mad! I really want to bang someones head against a wall.....I am so insanely mad at some peoples selfish attitudes towards animals.
Please please please THINK deeply, for ages and ages BEFORE getting a dog. Spend time with people with dogs.......borrow a dog for walks.......visit different breeds...talk about what real life with a dog day in and day out is like......
Think about your lifestyle and how you see it.......does a dog really fit into your life???
They are living creatures and being moved from one home to another is very stressful and heart breaking for them...................
Don't just get one as an 'impulse buy' and then change your mind two days later.....
But what gets me most mad is this person seems more upset about the fact she can't sell the dog and make her money back! This dog comes from a rescue centre...it's already had loss in its life.
Some people are just so dumb and thoughtless. It just makes me so sad. I hope that dog soon finds a loving home for LIFE!!!!
Ok off my soap box now. Going out to hug my girls Amber and Rosie.
1 day ago