It's Tuesday. Because of the long weekend it feels like Monday. I am soooooo in Monday mode....which is a good thing I guess as the house is a mess and needs to be sorted.....laundry needs to be done and I am happy to stay home for the morning anyway...
So we didn't bother heading to the homeschool group this week....we're all tired from yesterday and with Chris's birthday this week and him working today......well it only leaves today to get cards made, gifts bought and wrapped etc etc so Lloyd took Chris to work and we didn't have to rush out the door first thing :)
The end of summer is in sight. Every year I make plans of things I want to do with the children during the summer and most years half of them get I made another mid summer list last week and have been ticking things off :) I am loving this has been a very long summer thanks to homeschooling and the weather has been FABULOUS!!!!! We have done a LOT and relaxed a LOT and made the most of the warm weather and NO SNOW!!!
I still have a few more activities, crafts and trips to cross off before the end of summer though :)
1 day ago