1 week ago
Sep 10, 2006
Teenagers, hormones and meltdowns........
Its hard to be a teenager.....Chris is such a great kid but he struggles right now with mood swings and tantrums.....he is the hardest work right now because you ust don't know how he will react to ANYTHING................
Lloyd has been thinning out the woods....they are badly overgrown and all the tees are tall thin and straggly....fighting each other for daylight and nutrients.......so Lloyd is cutting down quite a few of them to give the rest room to breathe and grow..............Laurence is helping to cut them down, learning to use the chain saw and the pruners and chop up the logs and everything......Chris was helping this morning (not by choice) and then had a melt down, started crying and saying that it all goes against his beliefs....basically he thinks it is wrong to cut down trees.................I arrived on the scene just as the tears started and tried to explain that we also love trees and know how important they are...which is why we are thinning the words.....because trees aren't healthy when they grow THAT crowded and how they are all fighting for light...and that cutting some down actually is GOOD for the woods.......and that in nature there would be forest fires regularly........and I tried to explain about controlled burns etc in Provincial parks...for the good of the forest.
So anyway...it ended up quite good because he is now going to study forest management and understand our reasoning...so hopefully next time he has a melt down it will be over something he understands................
I have no problem with him standing up for animal rights or conservational issues so long as he is making a knowledgable stand and not an ignorant one. Like the animal rights issues and vegetarianism......I made him study both sides of the argument before making a choice re PETA........he needs to know about propoganda and bias.
It was hard not to laugh a little though at the fact he was crying over us cutting down the trees......yet he will LOVE all the fires we have with the logs all winter long roasting marshmallows and making hot chocolate!