Well I am not sure how long I have before the electric goes off again....Lloyd is doing some work in our bedroom...wiring things up etc etc and has to keep switching the power off....but hopefully I have a few minutes to start posting again!
We are back from our holiday....our mini break :) .................a few days in Banff. It was wonderful to be back in the mountains again and enjoy that real fresh air....and get a taster of snow before it arrives here :)
I have lots of things to post about and many many pictures to add......when I get a chance! Well holidays are supposed to be a way to catch your breath and relax...so how come we are exhausted????? lol! We had a fab time though...didn't want to come back (picked up lots of real estate brochures for Canmore!!!)
Rosie and Amber were at a local kennel for the week and that was sooooo hard to do! It was wonderful to see them again and they are now at home safe and sound with us :) At least they ahd each other though as they were together there...and the lady at the kennels laughed at how much they wrestle!!! Typical siblings I guess :)
Anyway...I think I may post out of order because firstly I am going to post about today!
1 day ago