Today is my Ex Brother in laws birthday............Happy Birthday Miguel! Miguel lives in New York.
Today is also the Anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in New York.........I was fortunate enough to have seen the towers before they fell.........beautiful buildings...........they 'made' the New York just isn't the same without them......
So as with Elvis's death and the assassination of President Kennedy....they say everyone remembers where they were when they heard about the WTC bombings...........
So where were you?
I was pregnant with Abigail, it was just after lunch in Scotland and I was havinga rest on my bed watching an afternoon chat show called 'The Gloria Hunniford Show'. I was fed up when they interupted the show for a news report.......until I realised what the news report was! I got straight on the phone to Lloyd who was at work in his office at 'Intelligent Finance' in Edinburgh...........he yelled out to everyone around what I was telling him............and I kept reporting things over the phone as I was watching them.....I remember saying 'Oh My God the towers collapsing....its falling' and he shouted that out to everyone...........and then ;oh my god the other towers going....' and again he repeated what I said.......they then got a tv set up at work for everyone to see what was happening..............................
With family and friends in New York it was a worrying time and the news reports and stories that followed were tragic..................Luckily all friends and family weren't harmed.....although my ex Father in law lost his job when the building he worked in was destroyed........
2973 people died in the Sept 11th attacks and 2051 children lost their parents......
1 day ago