We haven't had a decent date night in weeks :(
Last night we had to take Rosie and Amber to the vets (note to self - NEVER book both dogs in the same night again!!!) Amber had to have her injections and Rosie had to have her stitches out. It was chaos. Amber is a crazy girl...totally hyperactive...needs to be on ritalin!!!! Rosie was fine thankfully!
Our vet is wonderful and always remembers Amber and teases her for being so crazy......
We picked up Sams passport from the post office last night......so funny seeing a Canadian passport! Its black :) My little Canadian has his very own Canadian passport!
We went to Tims for supper (woohoo big spenders huh???) and the British woman who served us was a miserable cow...and then they got my order wrong :(
Then we went to Blockbusters to buy The Lake House on dvd....but ended up buying 'Click' instead.
Then I made DH drive to the mall so I could run in to Hallmark.....there was something I wanted to get....I looked awful as I hadn't touched my hair since we went swimming and I was covered in dog hair from holding Amber at the vets etc .........and of course I get a PM today from someone that said they saw me but didn't get a chance to say hi!!!! Of course this person is stunning and always looks so glam!!! TYPICAL!!!!!! Can you tell I had a fun evening??????
I came home and as I had had a migraine since mid afternoon I took Imitrex and went straight to bed.
Glad the day was done.......hoping today would be better!
Roll on Friday :)
And yes I can kind of laugh at my crappy days now........but I was NOT laughing earlier!!!
4 days ago