Nov 10, 2006

a few movies................

A few movies we have watched recently -

North Country - what a wonderful shows you how we are all too quick to judge people and it shows how strong women can be when they know they are right....and I am so so glad her Father stuck by her BEFORE he found out the truth......rather than because of finding out the truth!

A History of Violence - we started watching this a few days ago but fell asleep before the we watched it again last night to see what happened.....the first half is a fab story but the ending just seemed badly acted.

I couldn't figure out why Tom's brother had an Italian-American accent when Tom didn't even have a slight one! That seemed odd to me!

Bee Season - I thought this was a very odd movie for Richard Gere to is an odd movie generally and nothing like I was expecting......I sat through it until the end but there are parts that really don't make sense until nearer the end......

The Constant Gardener - Lloyd gave up on this and fell is a very confusing movie..again until the end when it all becomes very clear.......I am glad I stuck with it until the end...I loved it......loved the ending.......she loved him :) and I'm glad!

Have you seen any of these? What were your thoughts?
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