Dec 6, 2006

Aeroplane design.......

Today the children were looking at aeroplane design (airplane as I believe they call it here) and aerodynamics. Using our paper aeroplane books each child had to design two aeroplanes - a stunt plane and a flight plane.

I had to judge them on appearance, stunt flights and direct flights. Each plane could be flown twice.

Laurence and Susannah both tied to win with 29 points.

Laurence linked both of his planes together to create one wonderful stunt plane! It was a fun project and the children enjoyed studying the different designs.

Now Susannah is writing poems about Christmas and Winter, while Abigail is making a comic - she wanted to write a story so we suggested creating a comic so she could draw what she wanted to say - its really good so far!

Chris is writing to the local veterans society which has the oldest veterans in Canada.....he is writing to ask if he can interview them!

Not sure what Laurie is doing right now - Sam is sleeping!

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