Last night Lloyd and I ran out to get a few things for our trip......Lloyd needs some casual summery shoes and he is very specific about the ones he wants...they HAVE to be brown...and he wants them to look like runners but not be runners...
So we headed to the Nike store - thousands of shoes......only one style in brown and they didn't have his size..they did have his size in beige ones (which is almost brown) but they had bits of grey on so they didn't officially count as brown......
Lloyd never wears runners (trainers to you in the UK) - he wears brown lace up shoes...or brown lace up boots.....he likes brown...brown is Lloyds comfort zone.
This is sooooooo Lloyd. And I love him for it. Because it's the way he is. Reliable, secure....comfortable....lovely :)
Lloyd likes long sleeved shirts, in summer he likes polo shirts....they have to have a collar........he hates short sleeved shirts.......he likes beige pants (trousers). He ONLY wears black socks of a certain kind......he ONLY wears labels......He is a snob when it comes to clothes.....I tease him about buying him clothes in Zellers - but I know he wouldn't wear them......
He doesn't wear t-shirts unless they are under a shirt in winter.....he doesn't wear jeans - although he owns about 100 pairs I don't think I've ever seen him in a pair.
So last night was funny...trying to shop with him for a pair of shoes for our trip.....and nothing was quite 'brown enough'.......basically he wants these runners to look like his work shoes......I don't think he's going to find any.....
He was very patient with me though and in three different stores he just sat and waited while I tried on endless clothes.....but thats a subject for another post.
Mr Thorpe - I love you!
1 day ago