The girls dance class held their open house just before Christmas....Lloyd had taken his Dad to a hockey game that night, so I took Terry with me to see the girls wasn't organized very well as they had the younger class dancing upstairs and the older class dancing downstairs - at the SAME time!!!!!! Several parents had girls in both classes so we were all running up and down the stairs trying to get glimpses of all our children - CRAZY!!!! Afterwards there was a party style buffet and the children all got treats before we went home.....
We bought the teachers each a gift for CHristmas and the girls went up to the teacher to give them the gifts - and all they said was 'oh put it on the table over there' nice is that????? NOT!!!! Susannah commented on how rude that was! I'm so glad she noticed because we were able to talk about it! Next year I just won't bother!