Laurie slept over at his friends Friday night and then phoned Saturday and asked to stay over another night - he is home was kind of sweet because Friday night Abigail came downstairs upset - she couldn't sleep because she missed Laurence!
The furnace guy finally came on Saturday morning.....they are coming on the 15th and 16th to put in a new furnace and air conditioning :) I am happy about this :) No more hot house in the summer!
Last night we watched another episode of Greys Anatomy.....its becoming an addiction - as soon as the kids are asleep we watch more......I think we have about 15 more to watch and then we have to wait for series three to come out on dvd :)
McDreamy is um............DREAMY!!!! I find men who cry REALLY sexy lol ;)
My Mum phoned this afternoon - she sang Happy BIrthday to Sam...Sam said three things to them I think......Car, yes and Bye!
Mum told me that her close friend (that she normally goes walking with - they do sponsored walks etc and hike regularly) is sick again.....she starts chemo again on Wednesday...please keep her in your thoughts.
1 day ago