We were finally able to get into our mailbox last night which was a good thing as it was FULL...two HUGE parcels from England......the children were thrilled....
From Lloyds parents Susannah had a birthday gift of mix and match pyjamas....she was THRILLED and as the pants are like yoga pants she opted to wear them all day today too!
Thank you Terry and Chris for my gorgeous earrings!! They are beautiful....I love the store Past Times!!! The earrings are styled on a 1900's modernism design...with mother of pearl on silver and are so pretty!
Thank you also for the Wedding Congrats cards and the lovely silver wishbone you sent us!
The parcel from my parents had comics/ magazines for Laurie and Abigail..........a wedding congrats card for us and a birthday gifts for Susie of some cheerleaders pompoms and a cats-cradle game....there were also several toys and puzzles and newspaper clipping of the Tornadoes in Orlando....and a photograph of my cousin Lynn and her little boy Evan.......I think Evan actually looks like me...around the mouth and chin and like my sister Karen around the eyes......Lynn hasn't changed and neither has my Aunty Pat who is also in the picture..........
Evan is the same age as Abigail.
Anyway, thank you all very much for the parcels and gifts!
I also got a homeschool magazine I subscribe to...oh and our marriage certificate arrived which means I can legally change my name on everything! It was a VERY good mail day :)
The above pics show Susie in her new pj's.....the mix and match part are a stripy tank top with spaghetti straps and some shorts!