We had a difficult night here with Sam.......he fell asleep on me on the sofa last night at 6pm........and by 4am this morning he was wide awake and very restless....keeping Lloyd and I awake too :( we are very tired now. I also woke up with the most awful heartburn too and I have no idea why.....terrible heartburn so Lloyd got me some Eno's and I had two glasses of that which helped a little......YUCK!! My chewable heartburn things didn't work at all and I have no Gaviscon.
Lloyd went into work later today and stayed to have coffee with me......the children went on just before 8am with my altered tin and all their Valentine treats for friends......
It is so windy outside this morning...it was 25c out here at Northern Bear....and -35c with the windchill...needless to say the children were wrapped up well to go for the bus!
I don't think they are doing much work today at school...it seems to be all parties and celebrations......I think Susie and Chris are going back to their friends home on the bus tonight for a while.....
I have to leave in just over an hour so I should go and get dressed....I'm so looking forward to meeting Val! I need to go wake myself up properly.....Abigail is dressed and ready but Sam and I are still slobbing out in pj's....although actual Sam isn't in pj's as he fell asleep in his clothes last night which is how we left him!
Abigail is currently riding her new bike around the main floor in her snow boots!
Oh I am so so sleepy....could do with curling up in bed and watching daytime tv junk all morning! But I AM looking forward to brunch! :)
Have a great day everyone....
1 day ago