The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark was one of my FAVOURITE books when I was at school. I borrowed it from the school library so many times and our teacher read it to us too! I always thought Plop was a funny name!
Laurence read a book about Owls last year called Hoot which he really enjoyed too and we bought a kit called 'Owl Poop'. Owls eat little birds and mice but they can't properly eat all the little bones and fir so they sick up a 'pellet' which is like a lump of bones and fir...... the kit we bought had two pellets and we soaked them in water and then pullled out all the bones....we had a book that told us what all the bones were! It was a great project (but it was really really smelly!)
I like owls...they have such amazing eyes! I always wonder what they are thinking when they are looking at me!
I've attached some pictures of Laurie, Susie and Abby sorting through the owl pellets last May!