So what do you all have planned for this week? This week is looking busy for me.......a little too busy because in winter I like to hibernate....
Derek should be arriving any minute...he is coming to do some more drywalling and at some point this week or next he is coming to redo all our ceiling in the hallways.......he's doing a 'California Knock Down' effect............I don't think he will be here too long this morning...hopefully not anyway...
After Derek leaves then I have to go into town...I have to pop into Parentlink to see a friend and hopefully let the children play while I have a coffee! I have to run to the mall to get a few last minute things for tomorrow (Abigails birthday) and for Valentines Day.....
I just ordered Abby's cake...she wanted a Sponge Bob cake for some weird reason as she is not a big Sppngebob fan...maybe because she met him in Florida!
So tomorrow is Abigails birthday....she also has pre-school and the girls have dance class in the the morning I have a doctors appt and have to collect her cake.......
Wednesday....I am sooooooo looking forward to Wednesday! On Wednesday I am meeting a friend at a local restaurant! I have never met her before but have 'known' her for YEARS!!!! She doesn't live far from me either but for one reason or another we have just never met! So on Wednesday we are planning to meet for brunch locally :) I can't wait to meet her finally!
On Thursday I am volunteering at Abigails preschool as she is having her Valentine party there that day! The weather is supposed to be great so I am planning to go into town for a walk by Broadmoor Lake with another friend..who I haven't seen in AGES because she's been busy moving house and we were away and then there was Christmas and everything.......
Laurie has a field trip tomorrow to go and see the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra...and for part of the performance he gets to join them and play the recored with his class....he is looking so forward to that...he loves the recorder and is really good at it!
Thursday Chris has a field trip to the Odyssium which is funny as he would have been there Wednesday if he was still homeschooling....on Thursday his workshop is about Africa and they are taking part in an African Martial Arts workshop....I didn't know martial arts were an African 'thing'............
Chris ended up sleeping over at his friends house on Saturday night....he called from the hockey game and asked to sleep over and then said that the family had invited him to church on Sunday.......I thought that was funny!! lol Then he phoned Sunday lunchtime to say they had asked him to another hockey game......he eventually came home just after 9pm having phoned at 8pm to say he was having supper there!!! To be honest by that time I wasn't particularly happy! I didn't shout or anything but I did say that in future he should be home when he says he will be home and that on school nights when he hasn't been home all day he needs to be home earlier.....he obviously had a very late night Saturday and was tired and cranky this morning hence the fact I don't like him being out late two nights in a row......luckily despite being a teen he doesn't answer back or anything - he just kind of mopes about the place and you KNOW he is tired and not happy......luckily none of my older three have EVER answered back or mouthed off at younger two....well they are totally different personalities and I have no idea what they will be like as they get older....
Oh the delights of having a teenager!!! This morning at 7:45 Chris was walking around in one of Lloyds t-shirts with his hair a mess and not having brushed his teeth or anything....with 5 minutes before he had to idea why he was wearing Lloyds shirt....but I made him change. They all headed off for the bus in time and looking 'smart enough' anyway......thats the best I can hope for really lol!
Derek is late....grrrrrr
Next weekend is a three day weekend here :) Monday is 'Family Day' an Albertan holiday where most people get the day off to spend it with family doing 'family stuff'....I don't know what we are planning to do this year.....I guess it will depend on the past years we have played mini golf at West Edmonton Mall......gone to Elk Island for BBQ's (yes at -14c!!!) gone to friends for dinner....and bowling I we will do something but I don't know what!
Some friends have invited us over this weekend but I don't think we will go.....
We've bought Abigail a new bike for her birthday....Lloyd has to build it tonight. Hers is far too small now and we know she will get a lot of use out of this one this summer....for now she will have to ride it around the basement! She didn't know what she wanted and there was nothing else she needed, so despite it being February with several feet of snow on the ground, we decided a bike was the thing to get!
We may give it to her tonight though as Lloyd won't be here in the morning to see her get it!
The paint can I have been decorating for the staff at school is coming along really well - I'm really pleased with it...I'm filling it with candy and treats for Valentines Day so they can have it in the staff room...I've really enjoyed altering a paint can! I have two others to decorate now!
Well I think I will make some breakfast, throw some laundry on and then wash the floors....Where is Derek???? I have to go out later so I hope he arrives! I hate waiting on people
Oh...last night Lloyd and I watched The DaVinci Code....Lloyd had seen it before as he took Chris to see it in the theatres....Chris had read the book before he saw the movie.......I quite enjoyed made a lot of sense to me and my religious beliefs.....I KNOW Jesus Christ was a real man who existed...there is a lot of evidence that he lived and was killed on the cross (as many people were back then as it was a common way to execute people. I do believe Christ was mortal though and see no reason to believe he wouldn't have relationships with women - or marry.......and have children.
I know the DaVinci Code was fiction but it is based on research done in real life too....I also don't see why the fact Jesus married or had children would effect Christian Faith though......Catholicism maybe......but not Christianity in general.
I believe he was a rebel of his time...going against authority and making people see what was really important in life.....he was actually more like a Humanist IMO. was a good movie that leaves you thinking deeply.........
1 day ago