Its nice to be home :) REALLY!!! Its been snowing lightly all day and is very pretty. Lloyd and I drove into town and got a Timmies.....Lloyd has really missed his Timmies :) We bought a few school supplies for tomorrow too.....the school hasn't sent us the school supplies list yet so we just bought a few things until we get the list...luckily there is only school for three days this week and two of those days Chris is going bowling and to Millennium Place to swim/ skate etc so they won't need many supplies this week.....
I'm sat here drinking tea from my Eeyore mug from HUSBAND (lol) is beside me on the laptop...preparing to go back to work tomorrow :(
Life is getting back to normal........we've unpacked all the cases and
This time last week we were at Sea World feeding the dolphins.......
So whats been happening since I posted last? Well we left the house Thursday lunchtime after swimming in the pool all morning.......we decided to spend the morning at the villa instead of sat in the car to the beach.......when we opened the door at lunchtime, the humidity and heat hit I have never felt humidity like was overpowering and horrible. We were soaked through before we even got in the car! If thats February I can't imagine mid summer!
It was a VERY hot day.....we went back to the Magic Kingdom to go on the things we hadn't had time for was lovely and we stayed until closing when we watched the fireworks again and this time Tinkerbell flew!!!! It had been too rainy the week before but Thursday night it was fine...a lady dressed as Tink flies from the top turret of the castle all the way down a wire....she is all lit up with lights and waves a was magical! I videoed it :) then the fireworks started!
They had forecasted thunder storms for Thursday night but didn't say they would be bad.....I don't think we got anything where we were...we certainly weren't woken by thunder or anything.......but when we woke in the morning and switched on the news it said that tornadoes had gone through the area and at least 1 person was the time we got to Minneapolis airport the number had grown to 1`4 and now they say at least 21 died........we think the worst hit spot was about 30km north from us but parts of Orlando were hit too........not even the garbage bins were blown over where we were......amazing!
Big storms in Florida are normally between May and November - the hurricane season......but because of El Ninio everything is messed up and they have had a very warm winter........they are expecting even more severe storms in the rest of Feb and March and say this years hurricane season may be very bad........I think they said 4 tornadoes hit in the early hours of Friday......
So Friday at 2am I woke with a migraine.....Imitrex didn't work at all.......the villa owners let us stay a few hours extra and I tried to sleep it off but no luck and I started throwing up around 10am.........I HAD to get up as we had to go and buy a suitcase on the way to the airport.....Lloyd managed to get me into the shower and get me dressed....I couldn't even lift my arms :( it was not good :(
We made it to the airport and they got me a wheel chair......5 kids, 5 suitcases, 2 carry-on bags and me in a wheelchair throwing up into a Rainforest Cafe cup every few minutes.....! FUN FUN FUN
We are allowed onto the plane first anyway because we have young children (and me in a wheelchair which meant we could get through all the checks etc very fast too yay!!!)
The flight attendants were wonderful and luckily at Minneapolis we found out we were leaving for Edmonton on exactly the same plane and from the same gate so we didn't have to walk the length of Minneapolis airport (HUGE!) to find the gate......AND we had the same flight attendants on the second flight! On the first flight the Flight Attendant invited Susie up to help her with the security briefing - how to do up your seat belt and use the oxygen mask etc etc......
After the second flight the flight attendants came over to us and told us how wonderful they thought all our children polite and well behaved and how we've done such a great job raising of the flight attendants even said she'd like to take them home with her which shocked even her because she normally doesn't like kids!!!! :) So that was nice to hear.....
Luckily both flights were turbulence at all thankfully - although I felt so ill I don't think I would have cared at that point if the plane crashed.....Sam and Abby slept the whole of the second flight and sat and watched Monsters Inc on Lloyds laptop for the first flight.......Chris sat with me the first flight and helped with sick bags and water....and on the second flight Susie sat beside me and held my hand!
After collecting our car from valet parking (FAB was even warmed up before we got to it!) and collecting our coats from coat-check (again a fab service!!) we headed home and got home just before 2am Saturday morning...I collapsed into bed hoping to feel better when I woke up on Saturday.....sadly NO.....I was throwing up all Saturday too and felt a little better by about 10pm but at 2am again another migraine hit.....Lloyd persuaded me to try another Imitrex and thankfully it 8am I woke feeling much better...just very weak as I hadn't eaten since Thursday supper time........
Now its Sunday evening and I feel tons glad to be away from all that humidity which I did NOT like.......Lloyd is obsessively looking at houses in North Carolina.....he says we may only have to deal with one more winter here......that would be good! I'd like to live in the States......of all the States we have researched we think we'd like NC the most.......we think we may head down there this time next year to have a look around.....
Lloyd is cooking a roast dinner atm...I'm not sure i'll be able to eat much but it smells GOOD!!! Mmmmmmmmm we have eaten out so much the last couple of weeks, and although we tried to go for healthy options, it wasn't always possible...I'm looking forward to a proper family dinner at home with plenty of vegetables :) And Roasties!!!!
1 day ago