Every morning Lloyd leaves a cup of coffee by my bed for when I wake up..for the last few years I've been using my Tim Hortons chunky thermal mug and that did an ok job of keeping my coffee hot until about 10am...although I as it was a smallish mug it was normally empty by 8:30am.....
While on holiday I spotted this gorgeous thermal mug at the Rainforest Cafe...its huge and it works brilliantly.....it keeps the coffee hot until about 12:30pm which is a good thing as it holds a LOT of coffee....so I now have coffee already made for me that lasts ALL morning :) Lloyd says it takes a whole kettle of water to make the coffee for it :)
I took some pictures of it with my old Timmies mug and also beside an 'average' sized mug so you can see how big it is......its not as big as the Timmies 'bucket' but its still big :)