Charlynn those are the EXACT reasons Lloyd got us a Mac.......because they are so great for the net (very few viruses to get at them) and they are even BETTER for pictures and music etc takes up much less space too......
I have taken pictures but my old card reader isn't compatable (most things are though) so he is running out to get a card reader sometime today so then I will add the pictures of it..........
I was so so tired of never knowing when my pc would work...when I would lose everything...when it would die in the middle of something...we tried endless virus protectors but still had issues...with the laptop too.....and after years of getting fed up with Lloyd having to reformat and losing address books etc and never knowing which hard drive my work was on or anything then we had had enough...I think Lloyd was fed up with me calling him to tell him the computer had died again!
I don't like change normally but so far the Mac seems really user friendly.....I think Brandy (Miss B) uses a Mac too and has always recommended them.....and finally I can see the little pencils on each post for easy editing :) It was such a hassle to edit posts I didn't often bother lol!
We do have to get the pc up and running again though because the work I need to do for the company (testing/ QA) is on pc.....
23 hours ago