I think I have some weird kind of virus....not like a cold or migraine but feeling dizzy and sick and my throat hurts and my stomach is upset........its got worse through the day.......I am not feeling very well at all :(
We have run out of diapers which is the ONLY reason Sam is diaper free today...I haven't felt well enough to focus on potty training, which basically means he has been left to his own devices......which is fine when we have been watching him...but the furniture guys arrived and we got distracted........
so Sam was in the basement with CHris and Chris didn't notice until it was too late...Sam pooped...and then he got Chris's hockey stick and used that to rub the poo into the cream (CREAM!!!) carpet........and onto his sit and ride tractor......and ....well you can imagine the smell and the mess...........so NOT what I felt like dealing with.......
Anyway...now everything is clean but no matter how much I wash my hands I can still smell it on my hands....I suck my thumb so this is NOT good :(
I cleaned Goldie the fish out this afternoon so he can breathe again :) I do like Goldie....
Oh and this morning at the Esso garage I bought an apple for Charlie......the lady serving me suggested I wash it at the back of the store and I said it was ok its just a treat for our pet pig - she laughed!
I feel so weird today :(
Laurie called and said he wanted to stay at his friends house again tonight which I kind of expected...but he didn't sound quite right so I think I will call again later and see how he is.......
We were supposed to go grocery shopping tonight but I think I may just get Lloyd to pick the things we need up on the way home........
Today I went through and deleted a lot of people from my blog access list.......those people who didn't respond to my post about still reading..........and a few others that I didn't feel comfortable having access here.......I may still get rid of a few more....sometimes I hate my blog being private but other times I much prefer knowing who is reading...and hey - if you don't like my blog DON'T READ - its simple ;)
And if you don't like my blog and you are STILL reading then you have issues huh?
Sorry maybe I'm just feeling crappy and irritable today.....but hey there ya go - we can't all be perfect huh??? lol!
I am going to bleach my hands lol - I wnat to get rid of this poo smell!!! :(
So I know what I am doing for my layout and my altered item for the contest...so just the card to worry about and I am NO GOOD at doing cards.......it is sooo NOT my thing.......
Lloyd is coming home soon because I don't feel well......
I washed all the floors again today...Amber messed them up last night when she was racing all over the place because of the porcupine quills.......my poor girl...she's fine today.....has a vets appt tonight to get the last 2 out...they were already snapped off close to her lip when she came in last night so the vet will remove them.....
I should start my altered item but I'm just too tired :( chasing Amber around the house last night at midnight was quite the experience for someone who is normally in bed by 10pm.....
1 day ago