I had a lovely Email last night from Lea from Just Like Snowflakes.....in fact I had two......a reply from the one Anam forwarded to her and then another in reply to the Email I sent directly to her...it was so nice, she said that despite the problems with the business closing, the silver lining is that we are back in touch because of it.......and she is going to come over for coffee and bring Anam with her which will be FAB!!!
What else? What else? I sat in bed this morning and wrote a letter to Carla...it is DONE yay and all ready sealed in the envelope to be mailed tomorrow :)
I came downstairs to find Sam had been 'admiring' the box of Disney photographs......all over the kitchen floor sigh......a few of them are bent and not suitable for scrapbooking but they will be fine for mailing to people at least....and I had to put in another order to Costco anyway....
Bread...I like wholewheat and Lloyd likes white.....the kids don't mind either.....so anyway we compromise and get 80% wholewheat most of the time...and Safeways 80% wholewheat is GORGEOUS......I am eating some toasted right now mmmmmmmmmm
Lloyds friend Stuart is coming over for dinner on Sunday which will be nice.....he hasn't met Charlie yet!
Its another frosty day outside.....beautiful...a few flurries...they say it will now warm up by Wednesday.....its going to be -8c here today and +10c in Jasper....crazy weather!
Sam and Abigail have been prascticing a 'talent show' for me for later...but for now they are silently munching their toast :) Aaaaaah the peace :) Abigail is 'Top Banana' at preschool tomorrow which means she has to take her favourite book and favourite toy to share with the class......she's excited.....
Sam is so cute now with his vocabulary coming along so well....I called him for his toast and he runs in smiling asking 'Mine????? Mine??????' so I give it to him and he says 'thank you Mama'........and if he gives you something and you say thank you to him he says 'welcome'................
I weighed myself this morning...I am my lowest weight for over a year! Thats nice :) I hope it keeps coming off now Spring is here.....get rid of this snow and maybe I can start running again......
Oh and Christopher came upstairs to show me his FIRST SPOT this morning......I think he's rather proud of his first spot :) although he rolled his eyes and said now he knows his Dad will constantly be calling him a spotty teenager :) lol!