Midnight last night, in the bathroom, I have a lightbulb moment.......I realized that I hate being told HOW to do something if I have not asked.......BUT if I ask how to do something I don't mind being told at all.....
Like I wanted to know how to add a Youtube vidoe clip to my blog....so I asked Mommaspaz how to do it and she told me and that was great :)
But if someone tells me how to do something (on the computer or in real life) and I have NOT asked, then that really pisses me off.......I feel like just saying "Did I ASK you to tell me that???? Huh??? Huh????????"
So I was thinking back over the last few years and I realise that those people who have pissed me off have often tried to tell me how to do something!!!
So if you ever think about telling me how to do something....unless I ask DON'T!!!!! Because if I gave a shit about how to do it I would ask...OK???????
I have no idea why I posted about this or why its a big thing (actually its not really) but for some reason until last night I had never thought about it :)
1 day ago