It's been a good day. Firstly I woke up this morning to find my underwear had vanished during the, I'd like to think it is because my arse is so small they just 'slipped off' ...sadly no.........and was it because Lloyd just couldn't control himself in the night???????? NO! Once he's asleep, he's asleep (sigh!)
No, at some point during the night my underwear must have been driving me nuts so I must have taken it off and thrown it on the floor but not woken up! How do I do that?????????
Once I was up and dressed, I headed off to pick Christie up from her house.....then we went to Ikea and had breakfast (where else can you get a cooked breakfast for one dollar????????? I 'treated' CHristie to breakfast lol..which sounds great until you remember it was all of a dollar!!!!! lol! big spender!!!
The sausages were really nice..and although the croissant didn't look great, it tasted good! the cubed potatoes (what are they called??) were great too! Egg was a little watery.....and portions were tiny! But it was nice!
After that we strolled around the store and I managed to fill the bag BUT it only came to $30!!!! Shopping with CHristie is the plant section she spots this plant and announces to the ENTIRE store that its the 'penis plant'......because it has these penis shaped things shooting out of it lol......and the funny thing is, that plant was called a Lady Jane!!!!!!
I should be used to Christie because last week after breakfast she was outside of the restaurant and starts rubbing the inside of her thigh suggestively lol!!!! OMG I am far too straightlaced and she knows it lol! Too funny!
Then we had another drink before heading to Dollarama and Walmart......Dollarama is such a great store - I love it!!!! I stocke dup on craft supplies and toys etc to keep the kids busy......a washing up bowl fort Sam to use on the floor filled with water.......
(we won't mention the broom and handle I bought that don't actually fit each other lol!)
Walmart for pingpong balls and shuttlecocks (and jelly beans for the jelly bean bingo and jelly bean math we have planned for tomorrow) and then we headed back to CHristies....I got home around 2:30pm I think...not sure......the kids loved the Dime bars (Daim) from Ikea and the little horse shaped chocolates...and the mini cinnamon roll things I bought.......and Abigail and Sam have had great fun with their foam swords......
Right now Abigail has drawn a treasure map and her and Susie are following ti to find the treasure.....they have cushions thrown everywhere to jump on and climb over...........
Chris is making the girls supper...a noodle dish.......and then I have to take them to dance rehearsals........
Lloyd is on his way home...its snowing out - in fact it looks nasty...horrid wet snow that is now settling......
I was on LP for a little while but the people there drive me woman in particular anyway......OMG she is so annoying lol.....
Tonight I think I am in the mood to just curl up in front of the fire and watch junk on tv....... :) Two more days and we will have nice CLEAN leather sofas to sit more disgusting, dusty, milk stained fabric sofas!!!! With fabric it doesn't seem to matter how often you clean them or wash the covers or anything, with kids they are covered in 'stuff' and dust within seconds.........
Leather can be wiped off! I can't wait!
22 hours ago