Chris's friend arrived about 40 minutes ago.......then they realised he had forgotten his extra handset thingies for he calls his dad and his dad says he will bring them over....
They live in the Park and thats a 20 minute drive up the he a great Dad or is he crazy to say he'd do that????
Maybe I'm a terrible parent but I would have said no!!! No way!!! If it was just around the corner thats fine but all this way? For some PS2 handsets????? Uhhh....let me think about that....NO!!!!
The movie is done and they are all outside playing basketball/ badminton and on the trampoline......Sammy and Abigail are watching Treehouse for a while slowly getting sleepy.....
I have done some laundry for the twins.....they went up in the side field in the snow and got SOAKED and really muddy - so right now they are wearing some of Lauries clothes which are too big and I washed theirs and they are now drying..........
Lloyd is on his way home - early!!!!! This is not such a great thing for once as he can never relax when other peoples kids are here and he gets fed up with the noise etc and stresses me out...its so much better when he goes out for the evening until LATE...but his friend got sick and had to go home early :( so Lloyd is coming home...and he is off now for a week maybe because he has no contract :) I'm happy - he isn't so happy lol!
It means I can go to the school Easter Celebration without Sam :) thats a good thing :)
1 day ago