Did you know that? Yes! Penguins! At the birth of Christ! And I have PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE.....
actually the photographs are pretty crappy but you can see what I mean!!!
To be honest these are pictures of a yard in our village......near Abigails preschool...I LOVE it...I love the sheer TACKINESS of it :) It's March and they STILL have penguins and Wise Men in their yard...and like a million angels!!! I mean they are bad enough in December but they obviously LOVE their little Nativity display with its penguins so they choose to keep it up longer :)
I want to steal one of their penguins and send them postcards from it from wherever we go! Like gnomes :)
I have wanted to take pictures of this display for weeks but anyone with a yard like this in March is seriously strange and I worry they might shoot me! Trust me - there ARE Albertans like that ;)