Isaiah Washington had to formally apologise and had to go into therapy for his anti-gay comments recently......and I am not sure if he is staying in Grays Anatomy or what has happened but I know it damaged his career in some ways.....
But then last night in the Edmonton Journal I was reading how a US General in the Armed Forces had commented on how homoseuxal acts are immoral and how the 'don't ask don't tell policy that Clinton had brought in in 1993 should be changed....he compared a homosexual relationship to a soldier having an affair with another soldiers wife (?????)
Today I go to the BBC news website and see he has not even been made to apologise for his comments...all he has said is that he should have focused less on his own feelings about the issue.....
So a tv actor has to apologise and seek therapy but the TOP US Military Commander doesn't even apologise??????????????
See....sometimes this world really does not make sense to me.....
22 hours ago