Scraparama is an all day scrapbooking crop - from 10am until 9pm (although you don't have to stay the whole day if you don't want to). It's $10 for a table for the come along with any supplies you have and just spend the day scrapbooking, chatting, eating, laughing etc etc........Christie is planning to work on some mini albums and 'creations' rather than just scrapbooking...and some people make cards while others simply scrapbook.....
I don't think there will be any supplies for sale there.....I plan to go to the scrapbook store one day this week to stock up with things I need....or I may take a break from the crop to pop into town for a few things during the day.....
It is being held at St Luke Catholic School in South Cooking Lake (drive down RR 222 and turn left towards South Cooking Lake...the school is behind the fire hall - you can't miss it!!! All of the money goes to the school....its a fundraiser for the parent council....
I have plenty of spare cardstock, cutters etc you can use so just rbing some photos, scissors maybe......or pop to the scrapbook store in town and maybe pick up one of their kits.......
I can teach you to make an explosion box or coffee filter album or how to alter a jar or something...maybe a Mothers Day gift you could make? A bragbook for Grandparents? Just bring some pictures you'd like to scrapbook!
It is from 10am until 9pm and I can reserve a table for you if you'd like one......I am not sure if I will stay the WHOLE time but probably most of it :)
They say to bring something for your lunch/ supper and also a snack to share......but there is a local store in the village...a pizza restaurant.....liquor store (lol) so places you can get food if you wish - the Esso garage isn't far either and they do take-out....
I plan to get there for 10am and see how it goes......
I can bring plenty of supplies if you want to come along and see if you like scrapbooking...I figure if you only have time or motivation to make a Mothers Day card and maybe a little mini tag book or explosion box then its well worth $10 for the company, food and time :)
This week I plan to get some pictures printed at some more plain cardstock and some adhesive and thats about it......all you need to get started is adhesive, some cardstock and some pictures....everything else is extra :)
Colleen - did you know Parentink are starting a drop in like the one in SP but its in South Cooking Lake for the rural areas...they also do one at Antler Lake.....the one here starts in 2 weeks time and we will be there :) Abigail goes to preschool here now too and I am just LOVING that they do all of these activities here in the rural area now :)
If you ahve any more questions let me know and if you wnat a table booked, let me know too and I will book it on Tuesday!
1 day ago