So on saturday I met Cori, Colleen and Christie at the childrens school for Scraparama - an all day scrapbooking fest :) I got there for 10am and got settled in - we all wore name badges and added our names for door prizes... there was a huge selection of food to share....and I think I tried most of it lol! But as well as all the junk, I did take my own lunch which was a gorgeous mixed greens salad with feta and cranberries and a few chopped walnuts and some Thai sweet chilli sauce instead of dressing.......and it was gorgeous!!!!!!
Ok so the day wasn't just about food (sadly) Colleen arrived first and made an explosion box as a gift for a friend...although she loves it so much she hasn't quite decided whether to keep it or!
Cori arrived next - (cori of 'Cori's Musings' - the blog with th elink on the right) I've 'known' Cori online for years it seems..through scrapbooking and also linking parents...but we had never met before thank you Cori for being brave enough to come out and meet all of us strangers ;) I was relieved that Cori is as 'normal' in real life as she seems online - after several years of meeting people online I have learned that they aren't all as they seem at first lol but Cori passes the 'normal' test lol! (Geez - I hope I did!!!!!)
I got quite a bit of scrapbooking done before everyone arrived but after they arrived I didn't get much done at all lol - but we did get a whole lot of chatting and laughing (and eating for me lol) done instead!
I had given up on Christie coming by this time but at 2:30pm Christie walked through the door - YAY!!! So I got to give her the little gift I found for her (this little metal charm thing that reads 'Its not easy being Queen' and some rings for binding a mini album and also a little tin (yes TIN CHristie, not CAN lol!!!) that is the perfect size to hold a pack of playing cards and is designed to be altered....
So Christie made a lovely explosion box for her Mom, I worked on a few layouts and Cori worked on a layout for a design team she belongs to - she showed me all the things that gets sent to her each month and she has to create something from the all - it was really interesting to watch the process.....and I loved the end result!
I finally left the crop about 7:15pm...just couldn't make the extra 2 hours to the end, but they may do another next month and are planning to make it a monthly event from the Falll - running during the school year :)
So that works out great - I have an advert in the community newsletter in a couple of weeks asking about local scrapbookers - so if anyone responds I will tell them about this monthly crop at the school :) It was so much fun......
Oh and one of th eladies was a Creative Memories rep - she had paper and a few supplies you could buy if you needed to (she wasn't pushy or anything but did give out free gifts yay!!) she gave prizes for a draw...I won one of the small prizes and Cori won the big prize of a trimmer :) yay In fact she pulled out her own name - how funny is that????? :) And I had said 'pick me pick me' and they did lol! I won a CM magazine :)
It was a great day!
I got home to find Lloyd driving the children round on his quad...Susie was back from her birthday party she went to, and Chris had gone out for the evening - swimming at WEM with friends! He got home just before midnight!!!! Its lovely pulling into the driveway and seeing them all outside enjoying the sunshine and on the trampoline and everything :)
When I got home I was soooooo in the mood to scrapbook lol but I didn't! And I haven't had a chance since really :( maybe tonight I will do some more
Cori gave me a HUGE brad to use on my tag project....its perfect - thank you Cori - I think I will work on that tonight.....I haven't started any of my three pieces for this weeks contest.....I HAVE to get going because Daniel arrives on Wednesday and then I may not have much time........
Charlie is in the kitchen eating a couple of bananas...OMG the noise!!! She eats like a PIG!!!!! lol!
1 day ago