Its Sunday morning.....I've been sat in bed reading through the latest Canadian Scrapbooker magazine (again!) Lloyd has just taken Dan to the Esso garage to meet CA's husband....they are going to the car museum down in Wetaskiwin (sp???) for the idea what time he will be back......I think it's just the two of them going...
Saturday was nice....In the morning Lloyd took Susannah to her birthday party (scrapbooking and cycle ride party) and then he worked on the dog run while Dan and Laurie helped me tidy up the yard....Laurie and I were on dog poop duty (lovely!) while Dan was on garbage was back-aching work!!! wow! After I had filled 2 sacks we took a break and went for a walk up on Marys land......we walked write over to the furthest corner - and Charlie came with us!!! Poor pig must have been exhausted!! B ut she loves coming on walks with us and just wants to be around us......when we got back from the walk she went straight to her bed in the mud room and slept!!!!
In the afternoon Dan helped Lloyd dig holes for the fence posts - they were using an Auga/ orga????? I'm not sure how it is spelled...but its a two-man machine for digging fence post holes.....
Late afternoon we drove to collect Chris from his sleepover party and then Susie from her birthday party, and then we went into town to Dairy Queen to introduce Dan to the delights of Blizzards!!! Blizzards are like a mix of ice cream/ milkshake kind of stuff and you can choose what they put in it! I had Georgia Mud Fudge which was lumps of chocolate brownie and pieces of pecan!!! DELICIOUS!!!! Dan had cookie dough!
In the evening Dan and Lloyd did more holes and while they were doing that, I decluttered our bedroom closet and then tidied Sams room...Susie sorted laundry for me.....Chris slept on the sofa downstairs as he was ill so we drugged him with Nyquil (lol) and he is feeling better today.....
Then once the children were all in bed, Lloyd, Dan and I watched 'Stranger than Fiction' on was an ok movie....I had thought it was a comedy...we were all tired and had wanted to watch something light and funny but it isn't a comedy and was just an odd movie......ah well!
Today.....well, thankfully it is less windy today so I may do some more yard work - I want to fish out the garbage from the pond - so much gets blown in there :( Tonight, if Dan is back in time, we plan to have a fire and make Smores.......
I think Lloyd and I are planning to go out for coffee a little later - nothing to eat or any shopping or anything - just coffee somewhere - maybe in Chapters or something......just to sit and relax a while.....just the two of us......
Its 10:15am and for once I know what we are having for dinner tonight - I'm not normally so organized...we're having baked potates with a tuna and hemp salad :)
Well, this is a really long boring ramble about our days - for me more than anyone....just as a record of what we have been doing....I'm half asleep and not dressed yet...still groggy from my tablets (hence the fact Lloyd drove Dan and not me or we would have ended up in a ditch.....)
1 day ago