I can barely stay awake today......these tablets are awful....if I take them even half an hour late I am knocked out for the whole of the next day :( so so sleepy today :(
My eyes ache from tiredness.
Luckily Sam is doing better today - right now he is outside on the porch playing in the sandbox....just the other side of the window from me....I really should go outside and do some yard work but I'm too tired.....I've done some laundry, vacuumed, changed like a million diapers on Sam today (YUCK!) and cleaned the kitchen etc....I took Abigail to preschool and then when I went to get her at lunchtime, I tok Dan and Sam and we drove all down by the lake and showed him the airport there and the village...the school and the golf course etc etc...he checked the mailbox for me and then we came home.....he is now making Kraft dinner for himself (again lol) but this time with less help (hahahahahaha he is soooo nervous about even making Kraft dinner lol....."Jane the waters bubbling what do I do????" "Jane how do I know when the pasta is ready?" too funny!
This afternoon I have to drive Dan into town where he is meeting Bobbi - then he is going to stay with Bobbi for a few days in Edmonton..tonight they are wtaching her Planet Earth dvd's and making banana bread.........tomorrow he has a job interview!!!!!! Its at a company that makes artificial limbs.....so yesterday Lloyd went and bought Dan some new pants (trousers) - khaki ones for work - and he now has a dark blue shirt and brown shoes to wear....all set....he doesn't need a suit or tie for this interview but jeans were TOO casual....
So this week he gets to experience city life in Canada.....mingling with the office workers and students downtown and on Whyte Ave etc...and also see the museum, WEM and a few other things........and spend time with a 20 year old instead of us old fogies in this mad house :)
Tonight I think Lloyd and I are going out for dinner......but I am so tired I may change it to tomorrow night instead....
I have such a huge to do list - things I WANT to do......pages to scrapbook, things to alter, even decluttering my closet etc......but I never seem to have the time or energy lately......I ahven't even read any of my current novel for AGES......I hate these new tablets BUT I haven't had a migraine for a week! So which is better no meds but endless migraines and having to pop Imitrex instead OR no migraines BUT taking 4 tablets a day minimum that make you really sleepy?????? Like REALLY sleepy.......
Hopefully the sleepy side effect will wear off.
1 day ago