Our plans for today:
Get up and take Abigail to preschool
Go have breakfast with Val
Ardalta coming to empty septic tank
Pick Abby up from preschool
Go into town grocery shopping (Dan excite to see grcery stores here)to get things for Dan to eat/ try etc etc
What really happened:
Was woken up at 5:30am by Sam being sick all over me....get cleaned up and into bed when Lloyd points out that I missed a bit - vomit all down the back of my arm - YUCK!! Get into bed finally and 10 minutes later Lloyds alarm goes off and Sam is sick again....
We woke up to LOTS of snow....school buses were cancelled so the children stayed home. Preschool cancelled so Abby stayed home. Power kept going on and off...no internet. This is the worst weather this winter because power hasn't been effected before.
Power wasn't off long thankfully.
Val had a DD off of school sick too so she would have had to cancel breakfast anyway! Maybe next week!
So I gave up on sleeping anyway and was up and dressed early - as was Daniel. He and I went out for a walk to take some pictures - just in case the snow turned to rain and it vanished! So Sam curled up on the sofa with Susie and watched tv.......
Apart from that the kids have been playing games.we had lunch....pottered about - I have done a lot of laundry because Sam was sick all over the bedding....he has slept all day on the sofa.....only waking up to be sick again :( asking for his Daddy :(
Ardalta came with the truck to empty the septic tank but because of the snow they couldn't drive down to it as the ground is too soft...so he will come back next week - good driver as he reversed all the way down our driveway!
So our day hasn't gone to plan really and I'm tired but its been quite a nice lazy day really compared to the busy one we had planned!
22 hours ago