the blahs that is........
Its 1:20pm and I still feel really having a day of doing nothing despite all our plans...I just couldn't drive this morning I was so asleep. This afternoon there is a yard sale close to us so I will go there. Tonight Lloyd and I are driving Dan into we are going for coffee on the way back.....
Lloyd made me laugh on the phone just now.....he was walking along Jasper and saw some dog poo - which is weird because I have never seen a dog downtown....and guide dogs are trained not to just go anywhere!
So I told him that maybe it isn't 'dog' poo.........and then I suggested he get down and sniff it and try a bit to see if it is he wanted to know how the hell he would be able to tell by trying some......
I hadn't thought that far long lol......I guess if it tastes meaty its an Albertan...if it tastes like sawdust its a dog on dried food ;)
This is the kind of intellectual conversation we have by phone during the work day.....
Lloyd is feeling ill still so I suggested he take the afternoon off...but he says he can't as he has a meeting to go I suggested he fake-collapses across the table in the meeting...and then slowly sits up and says 'I think I need to go home'.....
He says he'll try it....
I asked if he could have the phone on conference call while he tries it but he has denied me the pleasure of listening.......
somehow I don't think he will try it for real...
shame...I'd like him to come home early.....
I am being a bad Momma today...Sam and Abigail are playing on the playstation downstairs...I can hear Sammy chattering away in his toddler talk as he plays - he has no clue what he's doing lol....but it sounds sweet :)
Dan is putting the kettle on to make a cup of coffee (I hinted BIG TIME that I wanted one) he is in the midst of his 4th book this week - Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures...........he is sad that he has finished the Mitch Alboms books.......
Daniel is feeling lazy today too because he can't be bothered to make himself Kraft dinner...he's having a cheese string and a penguin.....
I joined facebook and I have no clue what its all about......Tanya invited me :) thank you Tanya....but I still have no clue what its purpose is lol.....I am such a technophobe really.....sigh.........
Sam has pooped 4 times this morning :( thats just not fair - why can't he wait until Lloyds home.....
1 day ago