30c by Friday :) And they said today it would rain all day but so far it has been GORGEOUS...breezy but so warm and sunny...I have had all the doors open and the breeze is blowing through the house - and because its windy there are no mosquitoes around!
Welcome to a new week everyone! Anyone have exciting plans this week?
I have to work tomorrow and Thursday in the mornings.....the preschool teacher has had to travel to see her dying Father In Law, so I got a phone call late last night asking me to cover.....
I'm meeting Val for breakfast one morning.....not sure which yet as the car has to go in for a service one morning.....
Date night this week is hopefully the Wok Box which I still have not tried!!!! After that I'm not sure what we will do - maybe take a drive East some place.....take some photographs....
I want to buy a paddling pool for the children so they can cool off in the sun...and I'd like to find one for Charlie too.......it has to be very shallow though.....
This morning has been very productive......I was up early as Ardalta were coming to pump out the septic tank.....I did several loads of laundry, washed the floors, dusted the main floor, sorted clean laundry....washed some dishes, cleaned the kitchen and pantry (have to work on the fridge this afternoon)
Sam and Abigail spent ages playing playdough....oh and they also spent ages playinga game in Sams bedroom (while I washed the floors) - not sure what they were up to, but they were giggling a lot!
I let the chickens out of their coop for the day...they are so happy to see you in the mornings and happily follow you out of the coop...but they spend all day just walking around the coop - they don't wander off or anything.....
I fed the animals and gave them water.......let Charlie out.....
Oh and I also brought all of my indoor plants over to the kitchen sink and cleaned their leaves and watered them and gave them some feed.......Dorothy my Orchid is still flowering beautifully...wow how long do orchids normally flower????????? She's my gem :)
So this afternoon I plan to clean the fridge...then I want to clean the bathrooms upstairs and tidy my bedroom...we will walk down the lanes to the mailbox.....stop to say hi to the neighbours horse...and the other neighbours llamas and cows....maybe my CK magazine will finally arrive (gggrrrrr)
I have pictures to upload from yesterday AND from today.....
Thats my Monday!
1 day ago