Sam isn't well again. He didn't eat much of anything yesterday but seemed fine and was outside playing a lot. This morning he has the kids bad cold and is really phlegmy.....I think that is what caused him to throw up earlier :( and he has been asleep wrapped up in my quillow ever since. Poor little guy!
I am wondering if he picked something up on Friday at playgroup and it started to hit him yesterday :( Lloyd says we should just never take them out lol - just keep them at home safe from germs ;)
Its gorgeous outside again today - hot and sunny but it looks as though I will be spending most of the day indoors until Lloyd gets home and can take over.....Its 12:40pm and I JUST got dressed....apart from checking SH for the contest results constantly (still not listed) and posting here, I have done laundry, cleaned Sam up constantly, tidied the kitchen...tidied the main floor and pottered about close to Sam...