Daniel and I walked to the mailbox with Abigail and Sam this afternoon...a nice slow stroll down the lane...Dan has asked me to take some pictures of him in the lane to show people back home how straight our roads are...VERY straight which is odd as the Romans never lived here...in England the straight roads are the ones the Romans built.....
Here everything is on a grid design......roads run from North to South and East to West and are numbered...you can't get lost here ;)
Lloyd finished work early......he has fixed the toilet upstairs and is now outside with Dan building more of the dog run.....he has bought me a big sack of grass seed, and as soon as the dogs are in the dog run, I will reseed the grass at the front that has been killed off from the dogs peeing.....
I made Lloyd a batch of his favourite oatmeal raisin cookies.....he doesn't like warm cookies though so is waiting for later to eat them....
I don't know what to do for dinner.....I've made so many meatballs today ready to freeze, but I don't want to eat them for dinner.....I'm tempted to drive into town to a few garage sales and grab some salad.....
I can hear Charlie snorting in the mud room.....I don't know why she isn't outside!
I'm sat here with my cup of tea......in my Eeyore mug that I got at Disney World......we were looking through the Disney scrapbook today - I did a two page layout of Minnie Mouse with the children....
Its a gorgeous day out again today....I think I will take a walk outside with my camera and see what pictures I can get......maybe of everyone doing the dog run...maybe of the pond or the wood now the leaves are coming out on the trees.....
I'm feeling very grateful today - I think it was because of conversations with Lloyd last night......and the way he keeps hugging me and saying how he misses me - I'm so grateful for how he calms me down.....helps me see the bigger picture....
I've also been thinking a lot about what I want for my children....I want them to travel...I want them to see the world. I want them to know they can do anything and be anything they choose......I want them to be confident and accept challenges...to try new things.....to experience all they can experience....I want them to work hard and be willing to work harder to get the things they want in life......I want them to see that hard work pays off. I want them to be independent and be able to care for themselves....
I want them to travel widely and only return here through choice.....but to know they can always come back.....
We will not pay for our children to go through college.....we will help them when needed but if they want to go to college then they will have to work their way through......Susannah has already decided that she wishes to get a Disney scholarship.....working in the parks while at school - we spoke to a girl there in January, who is on a Disney scholarship......she works in the stores in her free time and gets free entry to the parks for herself and her family....and they take students from across the globe.....
Christopher is building up his voluntary work resume to help him get a scholarship.....and also hopes to win a scholarship through his grades......
Laurence is our hard worker and he will probably work his way through tirelessly.....
So yes, I have been thinking of so many things the last few days......it has been quite eye opening and interesting.....a lot to ponder......
And now I am going to throw something in the oven for dinner and then take a walk outside in the gorgeous afternoon sunshine :)
1 day ago