I should blog something but I'm not really in the mood.......I was planning on having a quiet lazy day but it didn't turn out that way......A guy from the well drilling company arrived at 8:45am...me not dressed grrrr we weren't expecting anyone and I ahd planned to stay in bed until 10am!
So he was here all morning doing stuff to the wells...runnning the system through.....switching the old well off etc.....
Tonight is date night...I am so looking forward to that.
The architect is booked for Tuesday afternoon...so I posted on LP asking for ideas for a dream kitchen.....what people would/ wouldn't have......I got some great ideas and we have also been through a ton of Lloyds housey magazines for ideas to show Tia (the architect)
She sounds like a transexual on the phone, so it will be interesting to meet her finally! We are making guesses as to what she looks like! It looks as though they will definitely be breaking ground in October woohoo!!!!! Although part of me is stressing already as it is going to be very VERY stressful with workmen here for a month and no kitchen...and the side of the house being knocked out and the basement too as we are now planning to add on to the basement under the kitchen/ sunroom and make it a walkout basement. It will be sooooo lovely once it is done but while it is being done it will be a NIGHTMARE!!!!!! Lloyd says I can go back home for a month but I don't know if I will be working or not and I don't want to be gone for that long.
The guy that showed up this morning drove over the basketball!!! He didn't seem to care when I told him. Just great!!! ggggrrrrrrr. They also dented the air conditioning unit outer casing so they are replacing that........
I hate having workmen here so yes I am definitely dreading the extension being done :(
1 day ago