Today is my Moms 66th birthday! Happy Birthday Mom.....
She woke up and opened her gifts (pictures to follow) and then we got dressed and headed to Vals house for coffee and to collect a new little friend (pictures to follow!!!!)
It was so nice to visit Val at her home and meet her Daughters at last...OMG they are so beautiful...and so nice to chat with :) I can't wait for Susie to be K's age :) Abigail got stuck in and played with T while Susie was quite shy for a while...then we turned around and Susie was gone!!! She had gone out on the trampoline with J.....
Thanks so much for coffee Val :) You have a beautiful home...I love how your decorate....the colours are so inviting and the sunflowers and the country style bathroom I just loved!
I had planned to only stay an hour as the phone company was coming when we got back in the car and saw it was after 1pm I was shocked!!!!!
We were going to head to Whitemud Park for a walk today but by the time we had lunch etc we decided to just walk around we walked to the mail box with Sam instead...its so warm out again...and set to get hotter!
Tonight we are taking Mom out for a birthday meal and then will have cake with the children when we get home...Mom has chosen a Key Lime Cheesecake...which is what Lloyd chose for his birthday too.....
1 day ago