So I got an Email this morning from the preschool co-ordinator again. She basically said she is looking into liability issues as she still wants me to teach - but no news and I am so tired of the set up there that I don't want to be involved any's been endless since May time....maybe if they had bothered to respond to voice mails and Emails back at the beginning of Summer, everything would have been worked out and we would all know where we stand - surely leaving it until mid August to find staff and get everything settled is a little late - especially when parents are already signing up for the classes. Its very frustrating. I'm tired of not knowing where I stand...of not knowing whether I have a job or not....of not knowing anything! Of them changing their minds...
So I am thinking through my plans for Fall....Lloyds friend will be here for 2 weeks...then we are in Whistler for a week in October. We may or may not have building work starting in October (they are not sure now if it will start then or in we aren't sure about all the chaos over Christmas.....)
I have pictures to blog and all kinds of things about the last few days to write about but I have to head out in a little while so maybe when I get back......
1 day ago