First two things you see when you wake up: The ceiling. Sam snuggled beside me - most often actually IN my arm pit!
First two things you touch when you wake up: Sam (to move him OUT of my arm pit! My cup of coffee beside the bed. (weekdays its ina thermal mug as Lloyd makes it before he leaves for work. Weekends its in my Grumpy mug)
First two things you do when get out of bed: pee. wash my hands
First two things you eat in the morning: I drink my coffee and then around 11am usually, I will eat breakfast - lately its been Raisin bran...weekends Lloyd makes me marmalade on toast....yesterday I had pancakes at breakfast with Val and Christie.
First two places you ride/drive/walk/bike to in the morning: I tend not to go anywhere before noon - I am sooooooo NOT a morning person! Thursdays I go to breakfast with Val and Christie :) That is definitely worth getting up early for :)
1 day ago