Are you messy? Do you like to be surrounded by clutter? Or are you a neat freak? How messy is too messy?
I was watching Gill Deacon this morning and the whole show was about mess and clutter. David Freedman - the author of The Perfect Mess was a guest and was basically saying that its healthy to have a little mess - it equates to less guilt if you relax about the home and you have more time to enjoy life.
He also said that even messy people normally ahve a personal alarm system that goes off if the mess gets to be too much and then they sort it out - so those who pile clothes on a chair will normally let the pile get to a certain size and then sort it all out and pack it away properly....
He said that most successful people/ creative people are messy and have messy desks. He said that Germans are the most neat nation and that Hitler was extremely obsessed with neatness....
It was an interesting show.
Did you know that Einstein, Arnie and Bill Gates are all messy people? And Einstein has a famous quote:
"If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, then what is an empty desk a sign of?'
1 day ago